ECE/CS 434 : Spring 2025 : M/W 3:30-4:50pm : Room 2100 Sydney Lu Mech. Eng. Building : Zoom Link
| Date | 🟢 Foundations and 🟡 Algorithms | Topics / Applications | Additional reading | Video | Notes | HW (individual) | MP (individual) | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Jan 22 W | Introduction | Course content and logistics | OpenAI Codex live demo (demo starts ~ 12min) | Recording | L1_intro_slides | | | | Jan 27 M | 🟢 Linear algebra 1 | Vector space, linear independence, Ax = b | | Recording | Pre_notes Post_notes | | MP1 (Jupyter) | | Jan 29 W | 🟢 Linear algebra 2 | Solve Ax=b, singular A, null space, orthogonal vectors. | Private audio paper uses Null space of channel matrix | Recording Recording (Zoom with sound) | Pre_notes Post_notes | | | | Feb 3 M | 🟢 Linear algebra 3 | Basis, Dimension, Norm, Least squares | | Recording | Pre_notes Post_notes | HW1 (Lin. Alg.) | | | Feb 5 W | 🟢 Signals processing 1 | Eigenvectors, Eigen-basis, Eigen-decomposition | | Recording | Pre_notes Post_notes | | | | Feb 10 M | 🟢 Signals processing 2 | DFT basics, DFT equation. IDFT. | | | | | MP1 due | | Feb 12 W | 🟢 Signals processing 3 | Mag and phase, bandwidth, Example: (Cos, $e^x$, Sin) | | | | | MP2 (DUET) | | Feb 17 M | 🟢 Signals processing 4 | Real FFT, freq. resolution, N-point FFT, incomplete cycle, STFT Properties of DFT (linear, symmetric, shift), Nyquist | Video on STFT | | | HW1 due | | | Feb 19 W | 🟡 Source Separation basics | A. Nyquist sampling B. Source separation basics, mixing matrix, AoA | DUET algorithm video DUET paper | | | HW2 (DSP + Prob.) | | | Feb 24 M | 🟡 Source Separation algorithm: DUET 🟢 Probability and random vectors to data | DUET algorithm Random vectors, data as random vectors, correlated/independent | Online book chapters
| | | | | | Feb 26 W | 🟢 Probability and random vectors to data | Data statistics, conditional indep., | Probability tip video | | | | | | Mar 3 M | 🟡 Trilateration, Signal detection (correlation) | GPS, trilateration Cross-correlation. | linearization video | | | | MP2 due MP3 (PDR) | | Mar 5 W | 🟡 Frequency Modulated Carrier Wave (FMCW) | Sine sweep, mixing, FMCW | see FMCW demo video | | | HW2 due | | | Mar 10 M | 🟡 3D pedestrian dead reckoning (PDR) | IMU data, 3D orientation, PDR | | | | HW3 (SVD, GD, MLE) | | | Mar 12 W | 🟢 Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) | A = $U \Sigma V^T$ , collaborative filtering, eigen-users | | | | | | | Mar 17 M | Spring break | | | | | | | | Mar 19 W | Spring break | | | | | | MP3 due | | Mar 24 M | 🟢 SVD proofs, PCA, Gradient Descent | Proofs in SVD, PCA, Hessian, convex functions, PSD, GD | Video on gradient descent: L16_video_2 | | | | MP4 (AoA + BF) steer_notes | | Mar 26 W | 🟡 Unsupervised Localization (UnLoc) 🟢 Max. Likelihood (MLE) | UnLoc iterative algorithm Max likelihood estimator | | | | | | | Mar 31 M | 🟡 Beamforming, AoA: Delay sum | Radiation pattern, near and far field, delay and sum, AoA. | | | | HW3 due | | | Apr 2 W | 🟡 Beamforming: GCC, MUSIC 🟡 Minimum Variance Distortion-less (MVDR) | MVDR beamformer, Sub-space methods, spatial smoothing | See MUSIC intuition here 🤔 | | | HW4 (Assorted, Apps) | | | Apr 7 M | 🟡 Time of Flight (ToF) estimation 🟡 DS, ADS Two way ranging (TWR) techniques | ToF from two-way ranging, clock drift, 3-way ranging, ADS-TWR | | | | | MP4 due MP5 (HMM) | | Apr 9 W | 🟢 Sensor Fusion: Hidden Markov Model (HMM) | Graphical models, Markov proc., conditional indep., prediction | | | | | | | Apr 14 M | 🟢 Hidden Markov Models (HMM) 2 | Factorization, forward and backward, dynamic program | | | | | | | Apr 16 W | 🟡 HMM applications 🟢 Kalman filters | HMM applications, Kalman problem setup, Kalman gain | Tutorial on Kalman Filter | | | HW4 due | | | Apr 21 M | 🟢 Kalman filters#2 🔥 Midterm Review | Predict and update equations Review and example questions | | | | | MP5 due | | Apr 23 W | 🟡 Midterm review | | | | | | MP6 (DTW or LMS) | | Apr 28 M | 🔥 Midterm | | | | | | | | Apr 30 W | 🟡 Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) | Cost of path, Dynamic program, constraints on admissible paths | | | | | | | May 5 M | 🟡 Expectation Maximization (EM) | Expected Likelihood, Posterior, EM | EM Tutorial by D. Lin (PDF) | | | | | | May 7 W | 🎉 Videos, Demos, Wrap-up, Open discussion | Assorted topics | | | | | MP6 due | | May 12 M | Reading day | | | | | | |